
DGIMI - Diversity, Genomes and Insects-Microorganisms Interactions

The research developed in the UMR DGIMI are devoted to the study of the mechanisms underlying the interactions between insect pests, their associated pathogens and parasites and their host plants. Our research considers the diversity of partners and rely on the knowledge of their genomes.

DGIMI's main questions

Our research is part of three thematic networks that are managed by members of the lab: the local network on interactions between microorganisms and their hosts (IMH), and two national networks, one on the adaptation to biotic environment in Lepidoptera (ADALEP), the other centered on studies aiming at promoting the use of biological control against crop pests (EMBA).

The faculty members and researchers of the lab are also involved in the education provided at the University of Montpellier in several disciplines such as microbiology (bacteriology and virology), immunology, genetics and ecology at the undergraduate and graduate (Licence, Master) levels.

The lab is committed to the doctoral school GAIA.

DGIMI is a joint research unit affiliated to INRAE and the University of Montpellier. It is located on the Triolet campus of the University of Montpellier and hosts personal from INRAE and UM.


24 September 2024

By: A-N. Volkoff, S. Gaudriault,, I. Seninet

The CRCN position at DGIMI is open

The INRAE Research scientist (CRCN) position on the Functional Ecology of Crop Pest Insect Viromes is open in the UMR UMR DGIMI 1333, INRAE - Montpellier

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